"How to select perfect life partner with tips to happy married life "
"Selection Of A Best Life Partner” & “Secretes Of Successful Married Life" There are such things in every person's mind that his life partner should be like this, it should be like that, etc. But this does not actually happen, why? Because whenever two people come in contact with each other, there is friendship in the beginning, then when there is equality in mutual thinking, they start to grow closer and gradually love begins. Then the love begins to grow and eventually get married. After a couple of years of marriage, those romantic pass very well, their mutual love and happiness reach their peak, but gradually everything starts decreasing. You start arguing so much that you don’t care if any outsider is present and start fighting Infront of everyone. But have you thought why this happens? There are two types of conceptions in the society . 1 / Love Marriage 2 / arrange Marriage Ø Kind of marriage ...