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“How to get rid of Depression”

“Never  Depress  In Life”       It is often seen, some days we wake up feeling great and don't know why, other days we wake up in a low mood with or without consciousness of the reason. What most of us didn't learn in childhood is that ups and downs are not always related to problems or something you did to cause them. It's okay to let a slump run its course, especially when we need a break from our own striving or when too many real problems pile on at the same time. Attempts to suppress and analyze bad feelings can sometimes make us feel worse. The need to be proactive arises in times when we just want to feel good and don't know how to get there. I confess that am just as confused by my high energy, optimistic days as I am by my slumps. We are not always aware of how we feel or why we feel happy or sad, frustrated, lonely, guilty, or just overly sensitive. I often hear clients say “I'm having a bad day