"How to pursue your ambition in life"
- Whether your dreams are small or have very high expectations, setting goals lets you plan how to move forward in life. It may take a lifetime to achieve some achievements, while others can be completed in a single day. Whether you are setting big, very important and broad goals or planning specific goals you can achieve, you will feel an achievement / achievement and self-worth. Getting started can be a chore, but you can move strongly towards the biggest dream.
2. Setting Achievable Goals & 1 Set Your Life Goals: Ask yourself some important questions about what you want from your life. What do you want to achieve: today, in a year, or in this whole life? The answers to these questions can be so simple as, "I want to be happy," or "I want to help people." [1] Consider what you will achieve in the next 10, 15, or 20 years from now. Let's hope to do.
3. Doing your own business can be a career-related career goal. A fitness goal can be that you want to be fit. A personal goal may be to wish for one's family one day in life. These goals can be very broad.
I want to eat at the dinner table twice a week
I want to apply to a new job once a week
I want to tell a family member that I appreciate them once a week
I want to ask for more responsibility
I want to prepare vegetables for every family meal that I cook
I want to ask someone I admire to coffee once a month to ask for advice
I want to learn how to code html
I want to start meditating for 10 minutes on the weekends
I want to learn basic Spanish for my vacation
I want to try hiking to see if I enjoy it
I want to start researching graduate schools
I want to skip dessert on weeknights
4. Break the big picture into smaller, more specific goals. Consider the areas in your life that you either want to change or you think you want to develop over time. These areas include: career, money, family, education, or health. Start questioning yourself what you would like to achieve in every field and how you would like to achieve them in the time limit of five years.
5. Life Goals For "I want to be fit", you can create small goals like "I want to eat more healthy food" and "I want to run in a marathon." Life goals "I start my own business "I want to learn how to effectively manage a business" and "I want to open an independent book store."
6. Write down short-term goals: Now that you have a closer idea of what you want to achieve in the next few years, create tangible goals that begin to work for you. Give yourself a reasonable timeframe to do this (for short-term goals it should not exceed one year).
7. Writing down your goals will make it harder for you to ignore them, and as a result make you accountable to them. To become fit, your first goal may be to consume more vegetables and run 5 kilometers.
To open your own business, your first goal may be to take a bookkeeping class and find the right place for a bookstore.
8. Make your goals small steps that lead you to larger life goals. Basically, you need to decide why you are setting this goal for yourself and what it will bring. There are some good questions to ask yourself when making this: Does it sound profitable? Is now the right time for this? Does it match my needs
9. For example, where your short-term fitness goal may be to engage in a new sport for six months, ask yourself if this will help you in your larger goal of running a marathon. If not, consider turning your short-term goal into a goal that can prove to be a step towards your life goal.
10. Adjust your goals from time to time. You may have set yourself on the path to broader life goals, but take the time to reevaluate your smaller goals. Are you meeting them according to your deadline? Do you still need them to keep you on the path to your big goals? Give yourself the flexibility to adjust to your goals
11. To become fit, you may have mastered 5 km races. Perhaps after completing a few such races and improving your best times, you should adjust your goal from "running 5 kilometers" to "running 10 kilometers". Finally, you can move on to "running a half marathon," and then "running a marathon".
12. After opening your business, taking your book keeping class and finding a place to set up, you can set new goals to take a business loan to buy a place and get the right license from your local government. After that, you can move on to buying (or leasing) that space, then you can move forward to get the required books, recruit staff, and open the business. Finally, you can move to open a book store elsewhere.
13. Practicing effective goal strategies & make your goals unique: When you are setting goals, those goals should include answers to very specific questions such as who, what, where, when, and why. For each specific goal that you are creating, you should ask yourself why it is a goal and how it will help you in the big goal of your life.
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14. To become fit (which is very common), you have set a more specific goal of "running a marathon," which starts with a short-term goal of running 5 kilometers. Each short set a short-term goal — such as running 5 kilometers — so you can answer these questions: Who? Me. Running 5 kilometers. where? In the local park. When? Within six weeks. Why? So that I can work towards the goal of running my marathon.
15. To open your business, you have short-term goals to "take a book-keeping class". This may answer your question: who? Me. what? Taking a Book Keeping Class. where? in the library. When? Every Saturday for 5 weeks. Why? So that I can learn how to manage my business.
16. Create measurable goals: To gauge your progress, your goals must be measurable. Measuring "I'm going to walk more" is a lot harder than measuring "I'll walk the track 16 times a day". In fact, you should have some ways in which you can understand that you are reaching your goal.
17. Kilometer running is a measurable goal. You can definitely know that you have done it. You may also need to set more short-term goals such as a "run 3 kilometers at least three times a week" so that you can work towards your 5 km goal. After its first 5-kilometer run, a measurable goal would be "to complete the second 5-kilometer run within a month, but take 4 minutes less."
18. Similarly, "taking a book keeping class" is a measurable task because it is a class of a specific subject in which you have only admitted to go every week. A less measurable version would be "Learning about Book Keeping," which is unclear because it is difficult to know when you have "finished" learning about book keeping.
19. Be realistic about your goals: Honestly evaluating your situation and understanding which goals are realistic and which are slightly difficult are important. Ask yourself, that you have everything you need (skills, resources, time knowledge) to accomplish your goal.
20. To get fit and run a marathon, you need to spend a lot of time running. If you do not have the time or the interest to spend several hours each week to run, then this goal may be ineffective for you. If you find that this is so, then you can adjust your goal; There are many other ways of getting fit that do not require running for hours.
21. If you want to open your own independent book store but have no experience in running a business, you do not have the capital necessary to open a business, and you do not know how to run a book store, or If you are not really interested in reading, then you may not be successful in achieving your goal.
22. Set priorities: At any given time, you have many goals in different stages of perfection. Deciding which goals are more important than other goals or needed to be done quickly is very important, if you find yourself surrounded by too many goals, you will find yourself very overwhelmed / overwhelmed and you’re the probability of achieving the goal will also decrease.
23. Choosing some of the most important priorities can help you. This will help you to focus right in the event of a collision of goals. If it is a choice between accomplishing one or two very small goals and accomplishing one major goal, then you will know that you have to choose the major priority.
24. If you are working hard to become fit and have set small goals like "eating more healthily," "running 5 kilometers," and "swimming 3 days a week, 1 mile," you may find that You do not have the time and energy to do it all at once. So you can set priorities; If you want to run a marathon, then running the first 5 kilometers can be more important than swimming every week.
25. You may want to continue eating well, as it is good for your overall health in addition to helping you run.
If you are trying to open your own book store, you may need to get a business license and ensure that you are looking for a business loan before you choose the specific books to store in your store. Be eligible (if you need it).
26. Keep track of your progress: Writing a journal is a great way to keep track of your personal and professional progress. It is very important to keep yourself encouraged and to keep you encouraged by acknowledging your progress towards a certain goal. It can even encourage you to work harder.
27. Where to keep yourself on the right track with a friend can be helpful in keeping you focused. For example, if you are training for a big race, then having a friend who meets you regularly and works with you will help you stay on your right path and keep a good record of your progress. Can do.
28. If you are getting fit while heading towards a marathon, keep a journal in which you record how far you have run, how long it took and how you felt. As you get more and more improved, your return to past times and seeing how far you have covered after starting can be a big reason for you to grow in confidence.
29. It can be more difficult to keep an eye on your progress in opening up your business, but to write down all your goals and sub-goals, and then cut or put them to the point that each of them is finished, you keep an eye on the work you have accomplished Can help keep.
30. Assess your goals: Accept when you have achieved a goal and allow yourself to be happy accordingly. Use this time to assess the process of your goal — from beginning to end. Consider whether you were happy about the deadline, your skills, or whether the goal was appropriate.
31. For example, once you have completed your first 5-kilometer race, be thankful that you have accomplished one goal, even if it makes your bigger goals smaller than running a marathon.
32. Of course, when you open your independent book store and make the first sale to a customer and make the first sale, you will be happy, knowing that you have successfully achieved 7 goals towards your goal.
Continue setting goals: Once you have achieved the goal — whether it is a major life goal — you will want to continue to develop and set new goals for yourself.
33. Once you run the marathon, you should think about what you should do next. Do you want to run a second marathon, but improve your time? Do you want to diversify and try out a triathlon or an Ironman race? Or would you like to go back and run short races — 5 kilometers and 10 kilometers?
34. If you have opened your own independent book store, would you like to continue implementing community programs, such as book clubs or literacy education? Or would you like to earn more money? Would you like to open a store in more places or expand it by building a coffee shop inside or around your book store? Steps have been taken!
Use SMART (SMART) systems to create workable goals. SMART is a mnemonic (memory enhancing scripture / mnemonic) used by coaches, motivators, human resource departments, and teachers to identify, set, and achieve goals. The meaning of each letter of SMART is an adjective that describes how to set an effective goal.
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